Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Collaboration in Research

One beautiful thing of the web, beside many others, is you can do a lot of collaborative works. As one ever said, "Two heads are better than one", Web2.0 technology allow us to share ideas, comments, suggestions, critics to what our colleagues do.

Today anyone can create and own their own blog. For free. Put their thoughts there, receive comments and critics. Make their ideas even better, post again to the blog. And the ball rolls quicker and quicker.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Facebook Invitations

What if I ignored the invitations on my facebook account, and approve it one year (or more) later?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Perubahan Beban (sekali lagi)

Beberapa artikel yang lalu, saya sempat menulis satu tulisan dengan judul Perubahan Beban. Rupanya frasa "Perubahan Beban" lebih banyak dikaitkan dengan beban energi listrik.

Saya memohon maaf bagi anda yang mencari dokumen atau situs web tentang perubahan beban energi listrik, dan kemudian nyasar ke blog saya, yang sama sekali nggak membahas tentang ketenagalistrikan sama sekali.

Ini salah satu contoh sederhana betapa susahnya mengungkapkan kebutuhan informasi (information needs) dalam masalah Information Retrieval.